is definitely a topic that inspires a wide variety of opinions from both men
and women. The most frequent one I’ve heard lately on the male side is, “You
ladies want the society to treat both genders equally though you always
complain that chivalry is dying!” Whether this is correct or wrong depends on
how we define chivalry. If chivalry portrays women as weak and in need of help
from men who, in turn, are portrayed as superior to the other gender, then I
could see why the point is being made about eliminating this kind of behavior among
other things.
I see chivalry as social etiquette rather than indication of inequality. And
when it comes to etiquette, respect is the key word, not superiority. For
example, men opening doors for women is a sign of respect or admiration (one
could even say endearment), not a statement saying, “You are probably not
strong enough to pull this door, so I’ll do it for you”. Men do it because they
want to, and I believe women should respond accordingly. There have been
numerous times I’ve witnessed females ignoring doors held for them and
proceeding to open an adjacent door for themselves.
On the
other hand, chivalry is part of a frequently depicted in novels and romantic
movies process called courting. Since the purpose of courting is to win a woman
over, some women might feel as if they are a trophy of sorts, an object as
opposed to a one-of-a-kind human being. Meanwhile, chivalry has been one of the
ways through which a man would declare interest in a woman. By attending to her
needs and treating her as someone with a certain degree of fragility, in no way
is his goal to belittle, but rather to deliver a message through behavior as
opposed to words. And that message shouldn’t be perceived as, “You are fragile
and weak, so let me take care of you,” but rather a plain: “Notice me, for
these are my qualities: I am caring, attentive, protecting, etc.”
struggle to understand that we often and sometimes unintentionally compare
things that ought not be compared. I believe males and females fall into this
category. An idea that was thoroughly integrated into my judgment at age of
fifteen due to a particular turn of life, a simple phrase, “Not better, not
worse – just different” is one that serves perfectly to what I am trying to
express here. Perhaps men and women are so different on various levels that it
is not entirely possible to compare one group to the other? If you can’t
compare one to another, then how would you distinguish them equal? What if, in
the process of calling others to cease stereotyping (assigning generalized
roles to) people according to their gender and taking measures to create
absolute equality in all aspects of life, we are doing exactly what we’re fighting
against? That is, try and assign a certain behavior to individuals, no matter
how universal or neutral. Now, whether opportunities are provided equal for
both is another question and I agree in every respect that no one should be
limited to what he/she might desire to endeavor. This is a concern of justice
and is a valid concern to tend to. But should it matter to the society how
“masculine” or “feminine”, strong or weak each individual act, so long as all
is fair, legal and harm-free?
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